Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Tuesday 2/27/12 WOWzers!

 Today is going to come back and haunt me tomorrow.  Well at least the pain will I am sure. Lets see...

Warm up:

  1. run a lap
  2. jump rope (I think it was at least 7-8 min) we were jumping forever then he started 3 min time after a while. Coach Silvio says "as soon as you get in start jumping!!!! I will start the time when everyone gets inside!!" Like a drill sergeant, so that seemed like forever. Cramping feet!
  3. 1 min double unders yes yes can do a few!! Getting better!!! Cramping and all!
2 rounds of

  1. 5 push ups
  2. 10 BSU
  3. 15 air squats
pvc stretches 
practice lifts for WOD

20 Snatch Balance (me only 35lbs)

10 min AMRAP

  1. 4 HSPU (hand stand push ups)
  2. 8 hang squat snatch (35 lbs)
  3. 18 KB swings (26lbs)
I did 4 rounds + 21. Completed the final round after WOD was over so I actually did 5 just not in the time allotted. My shoulders are so going to feel this tomorrow. Between my feet cramping up from the jumping (jump rope) and the tightness in my shoulders from the weights I will be walking hunched over on my toes. Can you picture that? LOL 

Check out Cross fit Fortress Below

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