Thursday, March 22, 2012

Thursday 3/22/12 Flying off the bar oops

So I have to have a break mid week for classes now. That's ok. Today was a lot of strength again. No problem here cause I like that kind of work out! I heard yesterday was lots of running. Too bad I missed it. LOL.
Warm up:

  1. take a lap (1/3 mile)
2 rounds of 

  1. 5 HRPU hand release push ups
  2. 10 BSU butterfly sit ups
  3. 15 Air squats
On to the SWOD:
Bench Press
reps - 10, 10, 5, 5
weight - 55, 65, 75, 85
The last round of 85 was way hard. I could only do 2 on my own and the last 3 I needed help. 

7 min AMRAP

  1. 12 KB swings (26lbs)
  2. 9 push up (Hand Release)
  3. 6 T2B, K2E, BSU (I did knees to elbow)
total rounds 4 +24 (4 complete rounds and I had 3 pull ups left to complete the 5th round).
So what happened to me on the 1st round when I got to the K2E I kid you not I flew off the bar and practically flew to the middle of the gym. That was hilarious. I don't even know how that was even possible. It even broke my nail and peeled the polish off of one fingernail. Very weird. 
Good WOD! So here are a few pics below of the different exercises from my fellow Xfit-ers.

Armando- this is his RX LOL
12 Kg too strong! 

This is just so funny cause I couldn't stop laughing about this mini weight he was doing. It just didn't look right. 

Posing, posing, ok ok got it! 
295lbs go Rhino!
This was also really funny! ok ok let me pose! ok ok take the weight!!! No he did it, wink wink

KB swings

trying to upload a video will try later. 
Check out Cross fit Fortress Below

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