Warm up:
1. take a lap (1/3 mile)
this is difficult to explain, but 4 sets of cones one further than the next
2. sprint to the st cone and as soon as you reach the second cone
3. turn quickly and sprint backwards to the next cone & as soon asa you reach the next set of cones
4. turn quickly again and sprint forward to the last cone.
5. repeat 2-4
6. PVC stretches
Flight Simulator (scale down)
- 100 jump ropes/50 double unders
- 400 meter with the stairs
- repeat for 4 rounds
Me and my bestie neighbor Iris |
My friend Iris's arms were both like this after the jump rope whipped her so many times. This happens to me too, but on my hips, legs and bottom. OUCH! |
So running a lap and all those sprints before the WOD were great and then to have more running after can you say it??? "Sucks!!"
I am still loving the torture of it all though.
When I got home I touched my shins with my hand and a HUGE shock happened. It was so much pain. My shins hurt really bad!!! I mean really bad!!!
Then about an hour after I got home, my other half asked me to do 100 jump ropes and he used his stop watch to time me cause he wanted to compare to himself. I did it in 45 seconds. Good I think. After I did a few double unders too. I will start practicing that when I get home. I need to get this one.
So he tried after but quit counting after a few stops, so no time for him. He did goto crossfit before me and I joined after him, but he quit in January. He started doing his own workouts in the garage and running on his own. He did very well with that before crossfit, so I hope he will keep it up.
Check out the Crossfit Fortress webpage and FB page below.
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