Monday, March 26, 2012

Monday 3/26/12 Burpees

That was a long break. Well it seemed like it. I went on Friday and call me what you want, but only 2 or 3 people were there so I left. I did a little Jump rope and left. The prior class was still going on 15 minutes after 7 so I left. Lazy huh?
So this past weekend there was the SuperHero Scramble and there were tons of fantastic pictures. I widh I would have went, but I was at my lovely job! :D No worries I am going to go to the next one on May 6th Merrel Down and Dirty...... Ohhh so excited!!! My first one. I cannot wait! 
Miami – May 6, 2012 | Merrell Down & Dirty National Mud and Obstacle Series presented by Subaru

On to today's Warm up:

  1. take a lap 
  2. jump rope (i swear it seemed like 10 min!)
  3. dbl unders (prob 1 min??) I actually did 5 without stopping, well it was a double and a single and a double and a single etc. but still it was without stopping! yea moving up. 
  4. yoga! lots of move let me see if I remember.. uh nope! 
a child's pose, a pike position, and soldier something and plank and well I really don't remember

7 minutes As many Burbees as possible (12.1)
6 inches over head (in other words JUMP lazy!)

I saw it and it that's it? 
ok so 7 minutes worth of Burpees is not "That's it?" Stupid comment!

 So I did 74. Kickin ass!! Tied for #3 
Steady steady and didn't stop. I wanted to but nope!

I get home and as usual I tell my other half what I did and he's like oh really do 5 for me. I said what?! really?! too tired your crazy! Then he says Lazy. LOL Whatever! I finally did ONE and he says there is no Burpee if you do only one.... YOU KnOW WHAT! LOL

Check out Cross fit Fortress Below

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