Thursday, May 24, 2012

Thursday 5-23-12 WOW!

Thought I wasn't going to make it today but I did!! :D
Feeling better shoulder finally feeling better too!! Still tender, but can tell I am getting better.
Warm up:
  1. 10 PVC pass through
  2. 10 skin the cat left and right
30 second drills
  1. high knees
  2. butt kickers
  3. jumping jacks
  4. mountain climbers
  1. practice lifts for the WOD
  1. 3 reps x2 @ 70% (35lbs)
  2. 2 reps x2 @ 80% (55lbs) honestly I don't know what % I should be doing. I just grab and go
Clean and Jerk
  1. 3 reps x2 @ 70% (55lbs)
  2. 2 reps x2 @ 80% (75lbs)
12 min AMRAP (as many rounds as possible)
  1. 60 feet lunges with plates over head 45lb/25lbs
  2. 5 muscle ups or chest to bar (pullups)
  3. 20 KB swings (70/53lbs) I did 26lbs
Did a total of 3 complete rounds!! :D

12 minutes of this WOD seemed to go on forever, but I liked the torture it gave me. I think I am a bit sick in the head for saying that. Those lunges with the 25lb weight over head was a killer. I felt like Dorie from Finding Nemo instead of say "just keep swimming, just keep swimming" I was saying just keep moving, just keep moving. LOL
Thank you Millie!! you are so funny and fun to work out with!! 
Did you see the beautiful Miami sky in the pic. So nice! :D

Hey BAZINGA girls where have you been?!! 
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See ya !!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Tuesday 5/22/12

Well as usual I am still having pain, but I know many people that do crossfit wake up in pain on a daily basis. I guess you just get used to it. I was getting ready this morning and I was laughing at myself cause I went to brush my hair and my hands and fingers were hurting. How funny is that?! Completely ridiculous! I just couldn't help but to laugh out loud about that one. Crazy that I can laugh at the pain I have now.
I guess nothing after this should surprise me. Right around 2 pm today I felt my glutes and thighs hurting and well along with my crazy hands and fingers, my arms were sore too!! WHATEVER!! On to the 
Warm up:
Since it was pooring outside today we did the warm up inside:) you know what that means right?! YUP NO RUNNING! LOL

  1. Jump rope 2 min
  2. Air squats
  3. Jump rope 
  4. BSU
  5. Jump rope
  6. Push ups
  7. Double unders 1 minute
  8. PVC warm ups up and over and skin the cat left and right x10
  9. practice lifts for the WOD

  1. 3×2 @70% (35lbs)
  2. 2×2 @80%  (55lbs)

Clean and Jerk 

  1. 3×2 @70% (35lbs)
  2. 2×2 @80% (55lbs)

START - buy in 7 over bar burpees

reps 21-15-9 for below
  1. Deadlift 225/135# (I did 85lbs) 
  2. T2B (I did knees to chest)
END - buy out 7 over bar burpees

Those T2B toes to bar are getting easier at least. I love the fact that I can just do it, my only problem is my grip. If I could improve my grip I could do better leg lifts and I could do it continuous. My reason for stopping most of the time is my hands just do not want to hold on to the bar. 

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Thanks!!! :D

See ya !!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Monday 5/21/12

Back to Monday and had a great WOD. Haven't been sleeping well. My shoulder wakes me up in the middle of the night. i wake myself up moaning in pain. I hope it gets better soon.  

Warm up:

  1. 400 meter run
  2. High knees across gym and back
  3. Butt kickers across and back
  4. some kind of twisting salsa move across and back
  5. Jump rope 2 min
  6. jump dbl unders 1 min
  7. PVC stretches up and over x10
  8. skin the cat left and right x 10
  9. Practice lifts for the WOD

  1. 1 min plank (elbows)
  2. 1 min Box Jump (24"/20") I did 20"
  3. 1 min HSPU or hand stand I did hand stand
  4. 1 min break 

2 rounds


  1. 400 meter run w/the stairs
  2. 20 front squats I did 75lbs for 10 reps then 65lbs for all other reps

2 rounds
My time 8 min 36 sec.

The GWOD was pretty neat. I didn't think standing on your hands would be that hard, but standing on your hands for a whole minute you start to realize it is not a simple as you think especially after doing box jumps. 
The WOD well what can I say it had running involved, so if you have read my blog you know how I feel about running. HATE IT! usually the next day my shins hurt and well it is just something I prefer to pass on if I could. 
I have been doing crossfit since October 2011. I have also had the same sneakers since then. I am not a shoe person really. I always wore the same few shoes for everything, but my shoes have been in really BAD shape!
I just recently got  a 2 new pairs of sneakers. A pair of ASICS and a pair of NIKEs. I have worn both of them to crossfit. I wore the ASICS 1st and thought wow these are nice my feet feel good and they fit really nice, not all stretched out and over worn. 
Now the NIKE AIR TOTAL CORE TR are awesome!! I never knew having a great pair of sneakers could make such a difference. When I ran the 1st time in these shoes I felt like running forever. No kidding, I was like WooHoo my feet loved it my shins didn't hurt and well they were squishy on my feet while running. I was shocked and really I have not been able to stop talking about them since. I know people must think I am crazy for talking so much about them, but these are the best things ever!! No joke! They are probably not the most recent shoe cause I got them from Kohls, but they are AMAZING! I love them!! Can you tell did I talk about them enough? 
Any way here is a picture of both of them. 
The Asics and purple and grey and black

Nike Air Total core TR are grey with a neat neon green and teal green accents
 Loving these NIKEs, the soles are thin, but feel so squishy :D!!
See ya soon !

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Thanks!!! :D

See ya !!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Thursday 5-17-12

I didn't go yesterday I had class, but I am still very sore from Monday and Tuesday. I had a really rough night. I woke myself up several times groaning in pain. My shoulder is still bothering me. I think it is about 3-4 weeks now.
So I signed up today for my next race. Exciting! paddle boarding involved?

On to the Warm up:

  1. 400 meter run
  2. Lunges across the gym and back
  3. high jumps across and back
  4. 30 BSU
  5. PVC pass thrus
  6. Bergener warm up
  7. Practice lifts for the WOD
Hang snatch
3@60% (35lbs)
2@70% (55lbs)
2@75% (65lbs)

Hang squat clean

3@60% (35lbs)
2@70% (55lbs)
2@75% (65lbs)

2 rounds of 
30 wall balls (10lb)
30 push press (45lbs)
30 SDHP Kettle balls (26lbs)

A little tid bit. I finally got some new sneakers and these things are awesome for running!! I really never knew shoes could make that much of a difference. I swear I was running and bouncing at the same time. My feet felt awesome!!! The soles are thin, but they are AMAZING!!
Today was a tough day only because I am still suffering with a painful left shoulder. Hoping it will go away soon. 
Below are some picture of the 6 O'Clock class! 

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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Tuesday 5/15/12 Birthday WOD!

WooHoo! yes I went to crossfit on my Birthday! Happy I did too. Everyone said take a break today but I thought why? I should do what I like which is crossfit. I got home and had a dinner and a cake waiting. It has been a great week and a half with my family!
On to crossfit.
Warm up:

  1. Jump rope
  2. air squats
  3. Jump rope
  4. BSU
  5. Jump rope
  6. Push ups
  7. Jump rope
  8. Burpees
  9. Double unders
  10. Stretches with PVC 10 up and overs how awesome is my coach and Mimi, I got a Happy Birthday song during warm up. So awesome!! See why I went to crossfit? I love it and it just makes me Happy.
  11. 10 skin the cat left and right
Love the way this WOD is worded
  1. Buy in 800 meters
8 rounds of
  1. 8 chest to bar
  2. 8 ring dips
then end with
  1. Cash out of 800 meters
nice wording for the WOD huh? Buy in and Cash out. Where's my money?
My time was 19min 36sec.
I used a green band to do my pull ups. It was so hard and pushed myself to keep going. 8 rounds is a lot! Loving my return after my week off. To top it off it was DJ night too!! I always love when we have the DJ in the gym, it make the WOD so much more fun!

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Monday, May 14, 2012

Monday 5/14/12

After a week off  due to nurses week, horrible down pour, school, dinner with family and let me just say it I just found excuses. I could have went, but like I said I made excuses. I guess my body just needed a little break. Well back on the grind today! Kicken butt!
Warm up:
  1. Take a lap (1/3 mile) trying to pick up the pace with my run today especially after that big long break last week.
  2. Jump rope 3 min
  3. Jump rope double unders 1 min
  4. plank it I love the plank! No matter how hard it is I still love doing it
  5. mult stretches including a few Yoga poses
  6. 20 PVC pass thrus left shoulder still bugging me. :( 
  7. 10 skin the cat left and right
  8. practice lifts for the WOD
  1. 3 @ 75% (35lbs) having a little pain but got a little more encouragement from a friend!
  2. 2 @ 80% (55lbs) love to hear the positiveness from my fellow atheletes
  3. 2 @ 90% (65lbs)
Squat Cleans
  1. 3 @ 70% (35lbs)
  2. 2 @ 80% (55lbs)
  3. 2 @ 90% (65lbs) could barely get it up, but pushing hard to do it! Got it!
3-6-9-12-9-6-3 reps
  1. Box Jumps (20 inch box)
  2. KB swings (26lbs)
My time: 5min 10 sec

After so many days off it was a little hard to get into it. My shoulder was still bothering me... I thought after last weeks break it would better, but not all the way. I could lift, but was very careful since it was tender. Thank you to Krizia for encouraging me and helping to not be so nervous about my lift!! :) Pushing each other is the way to go!
I will soon have the Down and Dirty Mud run video up! adding a few more pics and music. Be on the look out for it!
Oh my gosh! I just got up to take a little break before finishing and My body just yelled at me! Sit your Arsh back down! PAIN already??!! Oh BOY! Tomorrow is going to be a painful day......
Chow chow for now!!
See ya soon !
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Thanks!!! :D
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Monday, May 7, 2012

Monday 5-7-12 Wow! tough day!

Well we finally did the Down and Dirty Mud run yesterday! It was a fantastic time and I really am so happy I did it. On top of that I was able to do it with the greatest group of people!! Crossfit Fortress and Crossfit Kingdom. That is a great family right there. I will post another separate blog about the run later but there will be a peek at the end.
Warm up:

  1. Jump rope 3 min
  2. 5 push ups
  3. 10 BSU
  4. 15 air squats
  5. 5 push ups
  6. 10 BSU 
  7. 15 air squats
  8. 10 pvc pass throughs
  9. 10 skin the cat right and left
  10. warm up lifts for the WOD

  1. 400 meter run
  2. 15 clean & jerk (55lbs)
5 rounds

My time was 25 min 18 seconds
I felt like it was a heat wave in there. After coming in from the 400 meter run each time It felt like my face was on fire and like I was overheated. It took a sec to readjust and continue. After the 3rd round, it was just mechanical. Pushing myself just to get thru and done. Saying just 2 more, just one more. It was extreme today. Running in the light rain and the humid gym, Sweating so much. Exhaustion!!! 

Moving on like I say here is a peek at some pics from The Down and Dirty Mud run yesterday. I will be doing a separate blog and a video I am working on. I hope to get it done some time this week maybe this weekend. We had a really great group as you can see. So much fun. We must be crazy ....

See ya soon !
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Thanks!!! :D

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Tuesday 5/1/12

Ok so I didn't have the terrible hip and shin pains like I was expecting today THANKFULLY! I did see someone at work who I have not seen in a few months. They said I looked so different and my face and everything was so much thinner. That's good cause you know we women cannot see the difference like we should. We have complete blinders on to our own selves. I know I have been working hard and I know my body has changed cause I feel confident in fitted clothing, but I don't think it was that much of a change from what others say., but they can tell especially when they haven't seen you in a long time. That was a feel good moment of my day!!!
So I notice that every time I drive thru the parking lot and pass the windows of the Fortress I say to my self "yeah I like that one" or I say "damn  or crap or OH NO!" Since you can see what's going on as you drive up. I know it is going to be my torture when I see no one. That means a hell of a lot of running. Today I said OH CRAP Wall balls!
On to the 
Warm up
  1. joint warm ups knees, shoulders hips (you know cause of us old people j/k......not)
  2. Take a lap (1/3 mile) AND Coach Silvio ran with us for fun (Imagine that fun...)
  3. Jump rope 2 minutes
  4. Jump rope double unders 1 minute. I did so-so today
The following below we did across the gym out the door and back inside across the gym to the start
  • bear crawls 
  • crab walk same as above
  • butt kickers same as above
  • high knees same as above
  1. 10 PVC pass thru
  2. 10 skin the cat left and right
  3. multiple stretches
  4. bergener warm up see link here
Snatch teams of 2 (see pic to the right) I really couldn't do the snatch cause my left shoulder has been bothering me really bad, so I had to definitely go lighter today, On everything. (Snatch is basically the last step in the bergener warm up)
  1. 3 reps @ 35lbs
  2. 3 reps @ 25lbs
  3. 2 reps @ 35lbs
  4. 2 reps @ 45lbs
  5. 2 reps @ 55lbs
  6. 1 reps @ 55lbs
 I really did poorly on this. I couldn't do the lift properly. My shoulder really is painful when i do any lifting with my left shoulder.

  1. 2 min lunges 15 lb plate over head (2.5pts)
  2. 1 min rest
  3. 2 min burpee and box jump (20" box)
  4. 1 min rest
  5. 2 min KB snatch (I only did 5lbs cause of my shoulder)
  6. 1 min rest
  7. 2 min wall balls (10 lb)
Total reps/points was 109. I only did that much cause my KB snatches were with only 5 lbs so it was really easy. I was basically working on technique, other wise it would have been much lower. I was a hot mess today. Between the shoulder thing and not paying attention to anything. I kept thinking we were doing different exercises from what we were actually doing. What a completely confusing day LOL BUT still SMILING!! :) Thanks to the girls (Krizia and Monica)for putting up with my confused state today!

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