Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Tuesday 5/15/12 Birthday WOD!

WooHoo! yes I went to crossfit on my Birthday! Happy I did too. Everyone said take a break today but I thought why? I should do what I like which is crossfit. I got home and had a dinner and a cake waiting. It has been a great week and a half with my family!
On to crossfit.
Warm up:

  1. Jump rope
  2. air squats
  3. Jump rope
  4. BSU
  5. Jump rope
  6. Push ups
  7. Jump rope
  8. Burpees
  9. Double unders
  10. Stretches with PVC 10 up and overs how awesome is my coach and Mimi, I got a Happy Birthday song during warm up. So awesome!! See why I went to crossfit? I love it and it just makes me Happy.
  11. 10 skin the cat left and right
Love the way this WOD is worded
  1. Buy in 800 meters
8 rounds of
  1. 8 chest to bar
  2. 8 ring dips
then end with
  1. Cash out of 800 meters
nice wording for the WOD huh? Buy in and Cash out. Where's my money?
My time was 19min 36sec.
I used a green band to do my pull ups. It was so hard and pushed myself to keep going. 8 rounds is a lot! Loving my return after my week off. To top it off it was DJ night too!! I always love when we have the DJ in the gym, it make the WOD so much more fun!

Check out Crossfit Fortress Below
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Thanks!!! :D

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