Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Tuesday 5/22/12

Well as usual I am still having pain, but I know many people that do crossfit wake up in pain on a daily basis. I guess you just get used to it. I was getting ready this morning and I was laughing at myself cause I went to brush my hair and my hands and fingers were hurting. How funny is that?! Completely ridiculous! I just couldn't help but to laugh out loud about that one. Crazy that I can laugh at the pain I have now.
I guess nothing after this should surprise me. Right around 2 pm today I felt my glutes and thighs hurting and well along with my crazy hands and fingers, my arms were sore too!! WHATEVER!! On to the 
Warm up:
Since it was pooring outside today we did the warm up inside:) you know what that means right?! YUP NO RUNNING! LOL

  1. Jump rope 2 min
  2. Air squats
  3. Jump rope 
  4. BSU
  5. Jump rope
  6. Push ups
  7. Double unders 1 minute
  8. PVC warm ups up and over and skin the cat left and right x10
  9. practice lifts for the WOD

  1. 3×2 @70% (35lbs)
  2. 2×2 @80%  (55lbs)

Clean and Jerk 

  1. 3×2 @70% (35lbs)
  2. 2×2 @80% (55lbs)

START - buy in 7 over bar burpees

reps 21-15-9 for below
  1. Deadlift 225/135# (I did 85lbs) 
  2. T2B (I did knees to chest)
END - buy out 7 over bar burpees

Those T2B toes to bar are getting easier at least. I love the fact that I can just do it, my only problem is my grip. If I could improve my grip I could do better leg lifts and I could do it continuous. My reason for stopping most of the time is my hands just do not want to hold on to the bar. 

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Thanks!!! :D

See ya !!

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