Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Tuesday 5/1/12

Ok so I didn't have the terrible hip and shin pains like I was expecting today THANKFULLY! I did see someone at work who I have not seen in a few months. They said I looked so different and my face and everything was so much thinner. That's good cause you know we women cannot see the difference like we should. We have complete blinders on to our own selves. I know I have been working hard and I know my body has changed cause I feel confident in fitted clothing, but I don't think it was that much of a change from what others say., but they can tell especially when they haven't seen you in a long time. That was a feel good moment of my day!!!
So I notice that every time I drive thru the parking lot and pass the windows of the Fortress I say to my self "yeah I like that one" or I say "damn  or crap or OH NO!" Since you can see what's going on as you drive up. I know it is going to be my torture when I see no one. That means a hell of a lot of running. Today I said OH CRAP Wall balls!
On to the 
Warm up
  1. joint warm ups knees, shoulders hips (you know cause of us old people j/k......not)
  2. Take a lap (1/3 mile) AND Coach Silvio ran with us for fun (Imagine that fun...)
  3. Jump rope 2 minutes
  4. Jump rope double unders 1 minute. I did so-so today
The following below we did across the gym out the door and back inside across the gym to the start
  • bear crawls 
  • crab walk same as above
  • butt kickers same as above
  • high knees same as above
  1. 10 PVC pass thru
  2. 10 skin the cat left and right
  3. multiple stretches
  4. bergener warm up see link here
Snatch teams of 2 (see pic to the right) I really couldn't do the snatch cause my left shoulder has been bothering me really bad, so I had to definitely go lighter today, On everything. (Snatch is basically the last step in the bergener warm up)
  1. 3 reps @ 35lbs
  2. 3 reps @ 25lbs
  3. 2 reps @ 35lbs
  4. 2 reps @ 45lbs
  5. 2 reps @ 55lbs
  6. 1 reps @ 55lbs
 I really did poorly on this. I couldn't do the lift properly. My shoulder really is painful when i do any lifting with my left shoulder.

  1. 2 min lunges 15 lb plate over head (2.5pts)
  2. 1 min rest
  3. 2 min burpee and box jump (20" box)
  4. 1 min rest
  5. 2 min KB snatch (I only did 5lbs cause of my shoulder)
  6. 1 min rest
  7. 2 min wall balls (10 lb)
Total reps/points was 109. I only did that much cause my KB snatches were with only 5 lbs so it was really easy. I was basically working on technique, other wise it would have been much lower. I was a hot mess today. Between the shoulder thing and not paying attention to anything. I kept thinking we were doing different exercises from what we were actually doing. What a completely confusing day LOL BUT still SMILING!! :) Thanks to the girls (Krizia and Monica)for putting up with my confused state today!

Check out Crossfit Fortress Below
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Thanks!!! :D

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