Monday, April 2, 2012

Monday 4/2/12 Always the hardest days

I have been loving the WODs lately. Losts of lifting and burning. Very hard, but accomplishing them is a great feeling.
Warm up:
  1. run a lap (1/3mile)
  2. Jump rope jumped for a min or two then coach started the time for 3 minutes
  3. Double unders 1 min about the same as before about 3 at a time
  4. 20 push ups
  5. 20 butterfly situps
  6. 20 air squats
  7. PVC passthru 10 & 10 skin the cat left and right
  8. PVC practive lift for the WOD
Bergener Warm up:
  • One set with PVC of 1-6
  • Next set with bar (35lb) of 1-6. It was so hard to do this because we were not allowed to put down the bar and each progression to a few seconds to explain. We got scolded for putting the bar down. (OOPS)
  1. Down and up 5 reps
  2. Elbows high and out (scarecrow)
  3. Muscle snatch
  4. Snatch land
  5. Snatch drop
  6. Hang power snatch
Workout 12.2
10 min snatch AMRAP

  1. 30 reps 75/45 started with 35 lbs
  2. 30 reps 135/75 next round for me 55lbs
  3. 30 reps 165/100
  4. 30 reps 210/120
To do as many rounds as possible. I completed 1 + rounds. 2nd round was 18 reps of 55lbs.

So I looked up the 12.1 (last Monday) and the 12.2 (today) and I noticed that this may be every monday, I am guessing for the 2012 OPEN workouts that ran from Feb 22-March 21st. from the ReeBok Crossfit games. 
 So hard today.  I only made it close to 2 rounds and with much less than the Rx weight. It was so funny cause everyone in the class was laid out on the floor check out the sad pics. LOL

 Check out Crossfit Fortress Below
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Thanks!!! :D

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