Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Tuesday 4/3/12 WOD's are kicking butt

Thankfully I am not sore from yesterday. At least not yet. Today sounded like a great WOD, but I had no idea it was going to be that hard.

Warm up:

  1. Jump rope 2 min
  2. Double unders 1 min
  3. high knees
  4. 3 burpees / run in place
  5. but kickers
  6. 3 burpees/ run in place
  7. jumping jacks
  8. 3 burpees/ run in place see the trend???
  9. mountain climbers
  10. 3 burpees 
  11. DONE!
*L-sit hold 5 min
hanging from bar. Scale down holding knees above waist. It was so hard!! My hands just didn't want to hold the bar. I could hold my feet up but my hands did not want to hang on the bar. I tried many different grips, but my hands failed me today. I let go soooooo many times

WOD: very complicated one today
3 min rounds

  1. 200 meter run I was like oh yeah it's only 200 meters. That crap was hard as hell after doing everything else that followed. 
  2. 15 **Inverted Burpees
  3. Dead-lifts till time up (245/170) I did 105lbs 
  4. 1 min break
4 rounds
  • 1st round I did all the inverted burpees and 10 dead-lifts
  • 2nd round I did all inverted burpees and 3 dead-lifts
  • 3rd round I did 10 inverted burpees and 5 scale down & 2 dead-lift
  • 4th round I did 5 Inverted Burpeees rest scale down and 0 dead-lifts
We spilt the class into 2 sessions overlapping each other, but making sure not to run into each other. That was so hard when time was called I just rolled over onto the floor from my burpee and was thankful it was OVER! I couldn't get up! I was exhausted. I don't know how I pushed myself thru to the end.....

* L-Sit - While hanging from the pull-up bar lift your legs to an L shape. Scale down is holding your knees above your waistline holding your feet out as far as possible

** Inverted Burpee - Start by standing facing a wall and goto a handstand with  your legs to the wall (handstand) and down, squatting and rolling backwards onto your back with legs pulled back and rolling back up to a standing position. REPEAT

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Thanks!!! :D

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