Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Tuesday 4/24/12 Pain pain today

I am in so much pain today. It started right around 2pm today. I was sitting at my desk at work and got up and my thighs were yelling at me! Oh my goodness! Back to that old lady feeling again. 
Warm up: 

  1. stretches and warm up our joints (you know we old people need it LOL)
  2. run a lap (1/3 mile)
  3. Jump for 2 minutes
  4. double unders 1 minute I did a few at least today
  5. 2 rounds of 
  • 5 push ups
  • 10 BSU
  • 15 air squats
    6.  10 PVC pass thrus
    7.  10 skin the cat right and left

Power cleans  5 reps 2 times (I did 75lbs)


  1. 40 grasshoppers (like breakdancing LOL)
  2. 20 deadlifts (115lbs)
  3. 20 grasshoppers
  4. 10 deadlifts
  5. 10 grasshoppers
  6. 5 deadlifts

My time: 4 min 26 sec 
 My body hurts today. The stretching oh my goodness, my thighs hurt, my shoulders hurt and feet hurt, my forearms hurt, ugh... Well no Xfit tomorrow, got class and I can recuperate too. You know I got home and I said to the hubby, "we are getting old, we ache and hurt when we walk. We exercise to stay young and healthy but we act like a bunch of old people cause the exercise makes us limp and hurt". 

 Check out Crossfit Fortress Below
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Thanks!!! :D

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