Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Wednesday 11-30-11 WHAT!!!!

I would like to start out saying: I have been hurting for two days. My thighs are so sore and every time I get up I walk with a limp. Even my co-workers notice me walking with a limp, cause it is very painful to walk. 
If you look at the last two days you will know why......
So I almost didn't go cause my other half wanted me to stay home with him, but I told him no I need to go cause I may not go tomorrow, so I went. 
When I got there I saw what the WOD was and was soooo intimidated and scared. I was nervous. Take a look. I was thinking "abuse" 
Warm up:

  1. 1 lap 1/3 mile
  2. Stretches
now the WOD:

  1. 20 lunges with 15lb overhead
  2. 20 pullups
  3. 30 boxjumps (ate the box once)
  4. 20 double unders (jump rope)
  5. 20 ring dips last time I had bruises on my arms for a few days.
  6. 30 Toes to bar (couldn't do them, I did knees to chest for 12 reps then butterfly sit ups to finish off
  7. 20 kettle ball swings
  8. 20 knees to elbow I did butterfly situps
  9. 30 hang cleans 35lbs with bar from waist to under chin
  10. 20 back extension(superman) lay on stomach and lift feet and upper torso off ground
  11. 20 wall balls These are so hard I use 10 lb ball. By the way the balls smell so bad like someone has been sitting on them with a smelly rear. GROSS!
  12. 3 rope climbs. last time I attempted this I couldn't even go up the rope at all. This time I almost made it to the "pink" line, but couldn't. So proud I climbed the rope. Hell the last time I climbed a rope was probably in elementary or middle school.
Completed in 24 min 41 sec.
So now do you know why I thought ABUSE!! That was so intimidating but yes I DID IT!!!!
I think I will be crippled tomorrow and the day after that.
Chow chow for now. 

You know what I just wanted to throw this in there. The tragedies of crossfit and doing bear crawls on the PAVEMENT! Look at the middle finger! I guess that's all I have to say about that!

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