Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Wednesday 11/9/11 Feel like an old lady

Today's task...... Be a man, suck it up and lift, lift, lift!

Warm up:

  1. 1 lap (1/3 mile)
  2. 10 burpees ( jump higher!)
  3. 15 push ups (piece of cake)
  4. 15 air squats (he made me do em twice, he said they were not low enough! so 30 for me)
  5. 15 mountain climbers (not so bad)
  6. 15 jump squats (terrible)
  7. 300 singles/100 double unders (my feet always cramps when jumping rope)
  8. 20 pvc over head and back
  9. 10 skin the cat right, then left
  10. stretches for shoulders
DAMN thats a LOT of warming up!!!

WOD #1

  1. 100 butterfly situps   TIME 4min 58 sec
WOD #2
  1. 3 snatches (55lbs)
  2. 3 burpees repeat
              10 rounds of this ( WHAT )

My TIME 7min 53 sec

Thank you and GOOD NIGHT! WHEW I am exhausted!
Too much sweating!

Chow chow for now

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