Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Tuesday 11/22/11

Well I wasn't feeling well yesterday and didn't go. I felt so guilty too, but sometimes you have to listen to your body. 
Today was another different WOD. I don't think I have done the same one yet since I started. It's bee almost 2 months now. Well lets start with the warm up. 
Warm up:

  1. 1 lap (1/3 mile)
  2. sit down and multiple stretches for legs, body
  3. partner stretches which felt awesome (grab hands and lean back in sitting position)
  4. partner stretches grab opposite hands and stretch each side
  5. stretches w/ PVC over head & each side x10
That was an awesome warm up and stretch. 

WOD:  Meat Grinder sounds intimidating
3 rounds of

  1. 400meter run
  2. 10 clean & jerks   (all rounds within 15 min)
2 rounds of 

  1. 20 chest to bar pullups (mine with black bands)
  2. 20 thigh skip? push ups (yeah right, I couldn't if someone was lifting me up. Silvio our coach showed an example and it kinda looked like he was flying. CRAZY!!! I did regular pushups and not on my knees either. Yes MANLY PUSH UPS!!)grunt grunt
1 round of

  1. 30 toes to bar (umm yeah..... I tried but my toes didn't want to meet the bar today. They will meet again some other day. Until then it is knees to chest)
  2. 30 bar touch Burpees (apparently we have some half burpees being done so jumping to touch the bar at the end of each burpee ensures we do it right)
My time:
24 min 36 sec.
Sooo sleepy now. Nighty night and yes
Chow chow for now

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