Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Tuesday 2/21/12 What in the???

Before I start today...
Yesterday I was getting ready to go to crossfit and found out there was no 7 O'clock class. Soooo my neighbor and I wet running. We did a quick mile around the lake close by our home. We use to run around there all the time before we started crossfit. I always dreaded the run because it seemed to take forever. 3 laps around the lake is 1 mile. Yesterday it felt like it was the fasted mile I ever ran. I didn't tire out so quickly and I felt good. I was SUPER SURPRISED!!!! After the run I felt like an old lady though, cause my right hip was so sore. Even when I woke up this morning my hip was still hurting. That's my arthritis starting (j/k). Anyway on to today!

Warm up:

  1. Run a lap (1/3 mile)
  2. Jump rope 3 min
  3. Dbl unders 1 min
  4. Butt kickers across the gym and back
  5. High knees across the gym and back
  6. bear crawls across the gym and back gross floor
  7. long jump burpees across the gym and back gross floor
  8. a crap load of practice lifts with PVC for our WOD today

So I call this the DEATH WOD! Yes that's my name for it!

Death WOD:

  1. 21 SDHP (sumo deadlift high pulls) This was hard as hell
  2. 15 Pylo push ups push up with clapping hands after each HARD
  3. 9 pistols used the rings for help HARD
  4. 21 power cleans (45lbs) not to bad, but 21 of them HARD
  5. 15 HRPU (hand release push up) yes I put my face on the disgusting floor for a little break
  6. 9 pistols UGH HARDER
  7. 21 front squats (45lbs) cramping in my legs going on grunting with each lift
  8. 15 jumping air squats faster you do it the faster it's over, JUMP!!!
  9. 9 HSPU handstand push up (me knees on box) face kissing the floor
  10. 21 thrust ups (35lbs) had to drop weight too hard and my shoulder is not 100% yet either
  11. 15 air squats faster te better, get it over with
  12. 9 HSPU (me knees on box push up) Thank GOD it's OVER!!!
Now you see why I called it the death WOD???? I think he wanted us all to be laid out on the floor! WOW that is all I can say!!

My time

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