Feeling better shoulder finally feeling better too!! Still tender, but can tell I am getting better.
Warm up:
- 10 PVC pass through
- 10 skin the cat left and right
- high knees
- butt kickers
- jumping jacks
- mountain climbers
- practice lifts for the WOD
- 3 reps x2 @ 70% (35lbs)
- 2 reps x2 @ 80% (55lbs) honestly I don't know what % I should be doing. I just grab and go
- 3 reps x2 @ 70% (55lbs)
- 2 reps x2 @ 80% (75lbs)
12 min AMRAP (as many rounds as possible)
- 60 feet lunges with plates over head 45lb/25lbs
- 5 muscle ups or chest to bar (pullups)
- 20 KB swings (70/53lbs) I did 26lbs
12 minutes of this WOD seemed to go on forever, but I liked the torture it gave me. I think I am a bit sick in the head for saying that. Those lunges with the 25lb weight over head was a killer. I felt like Dorie from Finding Nemo instead of say "just keep swimming, just keep swimming" I was saying just keep moving, just keep moving. LOL
Thank you Millie!! you are so funny and fun to work out with!!
Did you see the beautiful Miami sky in the pic. So nice! :D
Hey BAZINGA girls where have you been?!!
Check out Crossfit Fortress Below
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Thanks!!! :D
See ya !!