Monday, August 27, 2012

Monday 8/27/12 WHAT?!

This was so so so so so can I say so so hard! The WOD was insane!! Since Hurricane Isaac was passing thru and there was some left over weather there was only one class. It was a 7O'clock class. There must have been somewhere near 30 or more people there. CRAZY!! I got to WOD with so many new people! That was fun. Loved seeing my 6 O'clk friends! This WOD was dedicated to Louisiana and the upcoming Hurricane. This kicked our butts. On to the
  1. Losts of joint warm ups.
  2. butt kickers
  3. high knees
  4. jumping jacks
  5. mountain climbers
  6. short run
WOD: Hurricane Isaac WOD
  1. 400 m run with 15 lb wt
  2. 100 kb swings 26lbs
  3. 50 burpees
  4. 30 T2B/BSU
  5. 200m sprint
  6. 50 med ball cleans 12 lbs
  7. 200m sprint
  8. 30 T2B/BSU
  9. 50 Burpees
  10. 100 Wall balls 12lbs
  11. 300 m run 15lbs wt
This was an unbelievable WOD@ Luckily the exercises that are not running we partnered up so they were half. ex. (50 burpees I did 25 and my partner did 25) I have never seen sweat drip off my head that much. I mean I sweat but dripping off WOW.... I unfortunately had to run off so quickly cause I had company at home waiting for me. I left him there and went to WOD. This was an amazing WOD. I have ner gone to the Saturday WODs, but I hear tell this is similar to those. I liked the partenering up. Lots of fun encouraging each other. I enjoyed seeing my 6 O'clockers there! WooHoo!!

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