Monday, July 9, 2012

1st Day back since Vacation!!

Well let me see my last WOD was on May 23rd! That is much more than a month. So My 1st day back I was really nervous that I wouldn't be able to keep up and that I also put on a few extra .... you know cushion. So here's how my 1st day back went

Warm up
  1. lap (1/3mile) just like I remember it, but at least not as hard as I thought it was going to be. I made it I thought I was not going to be able to run the lap.
  2. 3 min L-sit (or knees up) Knees up for me! I got some really heavy legs! LOL
  3. 3 min alternating pistols Those things are HARD! although I like throwing myself down and rolling back up to stand. The one leg standing is the hard part. 
  4. 2 rounds of  10 lunges, 10 tiger push ups, 10 air squats The key do it fast to get it over with, but not to compromise form so you don't have to do it again!
  5. 5 min perfecting squat (that was excellent)
3 rounds of 

  1. 5 Dead lifts (85 lbs) Loved IT!
  2. 10 HSPU (I did push ups with knees on 20" box) 
  3. 20 Box Jumps 20" box The Box was my nemesis today.
My time 7 min 24 sec

Dead lifts I could have done more weight, but great for my 1st day back! Push up with knees to box good, but got a little dizzy after the 2nd and 3rd round. The Box jumps killed me. I swear I thought I was going to throw up. That was the killer! Jumping is hard to do! I can't believe I accomplished it! Today caused me a lot of Anxiety, but I am so glad this hump is over! Now for some Photos!!!!
Good form people! :) look at Josie Flying in the air! 
20 box jumps! 3 rounds! 

5 dead lifts (3 rounds) (Mimi)
David doing his Deadlifts!

It was so awesome to be back although I SO MISSED MY 7 O'Clockers! Only 2 regulars. I guess that makes me a senior person??? WOW!
They moved over to the Doral Location :( 
Where are my people!! Miss the girls and guys I had so much fun with ..... :(
I was happy to see the 6 O'Clock group was pretty much intact! It felt good to come home to some familiar faces. 
Just time to make new friends that all!! That won't be hard! Not at Crossfit! Thanks for the Kick A$$ 1st WOD! Ready to do it again ALL WEEK!! Thanks Mimi and Erik!

So a couple of our coaches are doing something special. They are doing WOD's across America! WOD every 4 hours!! Check out the videos at the end!

The are doing the RTG (Road to Games)
StrongerRx (Wod Across America)
10 Days, 5,600 miles, 12 Boxes, 4 Men, 4 Women. All with one thing in common. The love for the sport, the passion to better themselves physically, mentally and emotionally. Here they undergo one of the hardest endeavors imaginable putting their bodies to the test and letting their passion and addiction move them forward.
Let's check them out and support their Challenge!
Check out their Bios HERE too!

Check out Crossfit Fortress Below
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Thanks!!! :D

See ya !!

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