Thursday, December 8, 2011

Thursday 12-8-11

Guess what??
Yep more jumping!!!!!!!
So the warm up was:

  1. run 1/3 mile
  2. lots of stretches. Love those
  3. practice lifts with PVC
WOD 1:

  1. 9 push press (55lbs)
  2. 15 T2B, K2B or BSU
  3. 21 Double unders/ 100 jump ropes
WOD 2: reps 9-6-3

  1. Aquat clean (55lbs)
  2. muscle ups I usually use the black bands 4x, but today I used the green band 3x
So Slpeepy. I am too tired to say anything more tonight, so sorry.
Nighty night!!
and of course
Chow chow for now!

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